Oral argument scheduled in TWIA case

by | Sep 6, 2017 | info

The 14th District Court of Appeals [Houston] has scheduled oral argument in Texas Windstorm Insurance Association v. Dickinson Independent School District on September 14. TCJL filed an amicus brief in this case last week. Although the case is not governed by the TWIA reforms enacted by the Legislature in 2011, TCJL argues that the Court of Appeals should consider the irregularities in the appraisal process in the trial court in light of the reforms and correct what we believe to be egregious abuses of the civil justice system. The case also illustrates the importance of the appellate courts in correcting trial courts that do not follow the law. Legislative reforms are only part of the solution to civil justice reform. If the courts do not properly apply and enforce what the Legislature does, we’re just spinning our wheels.

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